Meetings Dates Agendas & Minutes

We hold meetings approximately every six weeks, usually on a night at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. All members of our community are welcome to attend these meetings and we usually start with a ten minute “Public Speaking” time where members of the public can make comments or ask questions. We also hold an Annual Parish Meeting, for the electors of Redmire and a Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May when the Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected for the coming year. The date of the next meeting can be found when the draft minutes of the previous meeting are published. The date will also appear when the meeting Agenda is published. Both of these documents can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page and posted in the Parish Council noticeboard on the Bus Shelter.

All minutes are in draft format until approved at the next Council meeting. 

28 Jan 25


Ordinary Meeting


22 Apr 25


Annual Council Meeting